For contact information for the Box Keeper nearest to your school system, CLICK HERE.
Additional School Systems in Tennessee
In Other States
What does it mean to be a participating school system?
Each school system receives a set of thematic units consisting of reusable materials & exercises housed in wooden trunks.
A ‘Box Keeper’ in each system is identified that keeps track of where the units are, arranges pick up/delivery to teachers requesting them and reports breakage and loss of materials needing replacement.
Funds permitting, participating school systems:
- Receive regular upgrades of new exercises and themes, revised State science and math standards for each exercise and suggested readings and links for each unit.
- Are offered teacher training in the role of community learning, where the teacher acts as facilitator of student exploration.
The Biology in a Box Program Works!
Class TCAP Performance Data from Knox County Schools
*All teachers showed improvement in their students’ science test scores.
- Range of increase across individual classes: 2-12% better than their classes’ performance in year prior to teacher participation in a Biology in a Box Summer Institute.
The positive change in student test performance for grade level implementation of Biology in a Box exercises* in schools following a teacher’s participation in the project’s Summer Institute was markedly higher than the State average of +.9 for 2006: five reporting school systems – +2.8, +4.3, +5.2, +7.9 and + 8.3. *Grade level implementation of the project occurs when a teacher participating in a Biology in a Box workshop transfers the experience to fellow teachers in her/his school.